Selasa, 22 November 2011


Posisi ini bertanggung jawab untuk mengelola secara profesional dan efisien para pengunjung, konsumen, panggilan telepon dan pesan, serta berbagai tugas-tugas administrasi yang mendukung layanan konsumen, informasi dan rujukan dan operasi dan presentasi kantor profesional.

Fungsi Esensial dan Tanggung Jawab:

1. Memastikan keberadaan pengetahuan staf dan memelihara prosedur sign-in/sign-out akurat dan lengkap untuk-situs staf dan konsumen.

2. Memberitahukan supervisor, dalam waktu 30 menit dari waktu mulai harian, tentang ketidakhadiran staf / penundaan; update dan menginformasikan resepsionis lain dari informasi yang sama dan terkait.

3. Segera, akurat, profesional dan sopan menerima 100% dari semua panggilan telepon dan pengunjung.

4. Segera, akurat, profesional dan sopan menilai 100% dari panggilan yang diterima / pertanyaan dan mengarahkan dan / atau catatan dan pesan relay.

5. Mahir menggunakan semua fitur dari sistem telepon dan voice mail.

6. Membantu konsumen / staf / sukarelawan / pengunjung taman baik di lokasi kantor utama.

7. Ketika bertugas, memastikan penerimaan stasiun dikelola 100% dari waktu.

8. Memelihara pengetahuan tentang peraturan saat ini dan layanan pos yang sering digunakan oleh organisasi.

9. Menyiapkan dan proses 100% dari surat keluar untuk menyertakan: akurat beratnya, pengkodean, menyortir, prangko pembubuhan, benar menangani, dan surat penerimaan mempersiapkan bersertifikat / semalam / kembali.

10. Seperti yang diarahkan, tepat waktu mengirimkan surat ke kantor pos.

11. Membuka dan terbaca dan tepat perangko, sebagaimana berlaku, surat dikirimkan dan macam ke dalam folder yang tepat untuk distribusi.

12. Tanda untuk pengiriman bila perlu dan memberitahu penerima.

13. Mencetak laporan bulanan dari sistem pengiriman pada akhir hari kerja terakhir dari bulan dan menyampaikan laporan untuk individu yang ditunjuk.

14. Memastikan sistem perangko adalah operasional dan membuat pengawas dan fiskal informasi kebutuhan ongkos kirim.

15. Diperlukan, panggilan Pitney Bowes untuk memperbarui keseimbangan perangko dan mendapatkan update untuk perangkat lunak perangko mesin.

16. Update Program Bantuan Medis Transportasi (MATP) unggul pelacakan spreadsheet dengan data yang masuk dari bentuk penggantian konsumen perjalanan.

17. Menjaga spreadsheet excel untuk Pangan Darurat Program Bantuan Sementara (TEFAP) penerima.

18. Mengumpulkan menolak sehari-hari di daerah kantor umum; membuang sampah di luar wadah limbah.

19. Memastikan koran, plastik, kaleng dan kaca dipersiapkan untuk daur ulang.

20. Memastikan dapur / peralatan dapur dan kamar mandi disimpan rapi, bersih dan penuh dengan perlengkapan yang sesuai.

21. Seperti diperlukan, menginformasikan atasan di muka sebagai untuk memasok kebutuhan dan jika kantor / dapur peralatan tidak berfungsi dengan baik.

22. Memastikan bahwa area umum dilengkapi dengan peralatan kantor yang diperlukan.

23. Menjamin 100% dari konsumen menerima Penilaian Kebutuhan dan bentuk-bentuk Survey dan seperti yang diminta, MATP bentuk; memastikan bentuk kosong yang tersedia dan dapat dibaca.

24. Penilaian penghitungan bulanan selesai Kebutuhan dan bentuk Survey dan menyampaikan laporan untuk individu diarahkan selambat-lambatnya pada tanggal 5 bulan berikutnya.

25. Mempertahankan pengetahuan menyeluruh dan sesuai dengan organisasi / proyek kebijakan, peraturan dan prosedur.

26. Terus atasan langsung baik-informasi kegiatan, hasil usaha dan masalah yang diidentifikasi / masalah potensial; merekomendasikan tindakan korektif untuk atasan langsung.

27. Menghormati kerahasiaan dalam mendiskusikan peserta / konsumen, staf, relawan dan masalah organisasi.

28. Menjaga kerahasiaan informasi organisasi dan personil terkait fiskal.

29. Melakukan tugas-tugas kantor rutin yang diperlukan untuk operasi dan presentasi dari kantor profesional seperti yang diamati oleh pengawas.
 30. Mahir menggunakan Aset Masyarakat PA (CAPA) situs web untuk memberikan informasi dan rujukan.  31. Diperlukan, membantu dengan tugas-tugas administrasi untuk memasukkan mengetik, pengarsipan, proofreading, pemeliharaan log layanan dan entri data. 32. Pameran perhatian yang tulus untuk peserta dan selalu melakukan diri sendiri secara tepat dan profesional. 33. Mengembangkan dan memelihara pengetahuan yang komprehensif sumber daya masyarakat; menyediakan informasi, rujukan dan tindak lanjut.
34. Memastikan semua asupan konsumen, entri data untuk proyek ditugaskan / kantor dilakukan secara akurat dan tepat waktu.

35. Laporan untuk bekerja secara teratur dan tepat waktu.

36. Membantu dalam tugas-tugas lain yang diperlukan dan terarah.
sumber :
JOB DESC RECEPTION IDeskripsi pekerjaan resepsionis ringkasan kegiatan-kegiatan khas dari layanan resepsionis di sebuah organisasi.Pengetahuan dan pengalaman ditambah kompetensi kunci yang diperlukan yang rinci bagi pengusaha dan pencari kerja melihat lowongan resepsionis.
Depan meja resepsionis adalah kunci untuk berbagai organisasi - mereka sering menghadirkan kesan pertama dari organisasi kepada klien dan pelanggan.


Tujuan Umum
Hadir pengunjung dan menangani pertanyaan di telepon dan tatap muka. Pasokan informasi mengenai organisasi untuk masyarakat umum klien, dan pelanggan.
Utama Ayub Tugas dan Tanggung Jawab
menjawab telepon, layar dan langsung panggilanmengambil dan menyampaikan pesanmemberikan informasi kepada peneleponmenyapa orang yang memasuki organisasilangsung orang-orang untuk memperbaiki tujuanberurusan dengan pertanyaan dari masyarakat dan pelangganmemastikan pengetahuan gerakan staf dalam dan keluar organisasiadministrasi umum dan administrasi dukunganmenyiapkan surat dan dokumenmenerima dan menyortir surat dan pengirimanjadwal janjimemelihara buku harian janji baik secara manual atau elektronikmengatur pertemuanmenjaga rapi dan area penerimaan tamuPendidikan dan Pengalaman
ijazah sekolah tinggi umumnya dibutuhkanpengetahuan tentang prosedur administrasi dan administrasipengetahuan tentang komputer dan aplikasi perangkat lunak yang relevanpengetahuan tentang prinsip-prinsip layanan pelanggan dan praktekKeyboard keterampilanKunci Kompetensi
verbal dan tertulis keterampilan komunikasiprofesional pribadi presentasilayanan pelanggan orientasiinformasi manajemenpengorganisasian dan perencanaanperhatian terhadap detailinisiatifkeandalantoleransi stres
Apakah Anda memerlukan bantuan dalam menciptakan resume Anda? Gunakan Resepsionis Contoh yang sangat baik Resume untuk menyediakan Anda dengan struktur yang tepat dan format untuk resume Anda.
Contoh Lanjutkan Gratis Template
Siapkan Surat Resepsionis Sampul menang

Disarankan membacaSekretaris Deskripsi PekerjaanBantuan Deskripsi Pekerjaan MejaClerical Job DescriptionLayanan Pelanggan Deskripsi PekerjaanUraian Pekerjaan Kasir
Anda dapat menggunakan pedoman wawancara yang sangat baik jika Anda bersiap untuk wawancara pekerjaan resepsionis.Resepsionis dan Asisten Administrasi Panduan Wawancara KerjaBantuan Wawancara Meja KerjaSekretaris Pertanyaan WawancaraClerical Pedoman Wawancara
Update Terbaru - Gaji laporan bahwa gaji rata-rata resepsionis lowongan pekerjaan di Amerika Serikat adalah $ 28.000 per November 6, 2011. Untuk Resepsionis jabatan Kantor gaji rata-rata adalah $ 31.000, untuk Resepsionis Front Office adalah $ 27.000 dan untuk Resepsionis Layanan Pelanggan adalah $ 26.000.

Kamis, 17 November 2011

Trategic Planning And Operasional Planning

Strategic planning is an organization's process of defining its strategy, or direction, and making decisions on allocating its resources to pursue this strategy, including its capital and people.
In order to determine where it is going, the organization needs to know exactly where it stands, then determine where it wants to go and how it will get there. The resulting document is called the "strategic plan."
While strategic planning may be used to effectively plot a company's longer-term direction, one cannot use it to reliably forecast how the market will evolve and what issues will surface in the immediate future. Therefore, strategic innovation and tinkering with the "strategic plan" have to be a cornerstone strategy for an organization to survive the turbulent business climate.
In business strategic planning, some authors phrase the third question as "How can we beat or avoid competition?" (Bradford and Duncan, page 1). But this approach is more about defeating competitors than about excelling.
In many organizations, this is viewed as a process for determining where an organization is going over the next year or—more typically—3 to 5 years (long term), although some extend their vision to 20 years.
Strategic planning is a very important business activity. It is also important in the public sector areas such as education. It is practiced widely informally and formally. Strategic planning and decision processes should end with objectives and a roadmap of ways to achieve them.
One of the core goals when drafting a strategic plan is to develop it in a way that is easily translatable into action plans. Most strategic plans address high level initiatives and over-arching goals, but don't get articulated (translated) into day-to-day projects and tasks that will be required to achieve the plan. Terminology or word choice, as well as the level a plan is written, are both examples of easy ways to fail at translating your strategic plan in a way that makes sense and is executable to others. Often, plans are filled with conceptual terms which don't tie into day-to-day realities for the staff expected to carry out the plan.
The following terms have been used in strategic planning: desired end states, plans, policies, goals, objectives, strategies, tactics and actions. Definitions vary, overlap and fail to achieve clarity. The most common of these concepts are specific, time bound statements of intended future results and general and continuing statements of intended future results, which most models refer to as either goals or objectives (sometimes interchangeably).
People typically have several goals at the same time. "Goal congruency" refers to how well the goals combine with each other. Does goal A appear compatible with goal B? Do they fit together to form a unified strategy? "Goal hierarchy" consists of the nesting of one or more goals within other goal(s).

Values: Beliefs that are shared among the stakeholders of an organization. Values drive an organization's culture and priorities and provide a framework in which decisions are made. For example, "Knowledge and skills are the keys to success" or "give a man bread and feed him for a day, but teach him to farm and feed him for life". These example values may set the priorities of self sufficiency over shelter.
Strategy: Strategy, narrowly defined, means "the art of the general" (from Greek stratigos). A combination of the ends (goals) for which the firm is striving and the means (policies) by which it is seeking to get there. A strategy is sometimes called a roadmap which is the path chosen to plow towards the end vision. The most important part of implementing the strategy is ensuring the company is going in the right direction which is towards the end vision.
Organizations sometimes summarize goals and objectives into a mission statement and/or a vision statement. Others begin with a vision and mission and use them to formulate goals and objectives.

There are many approaches to strategic planning but typically a three-step process may be used:
  • Situation - evaluate the current situation and how it came about.
  • Target - define goals and/or objectives (sometimes called ideal state)
  • Path / Proposal - map a possible route to the goals/objectives
One alternative approach is called Draw-See-Think
  • Draw - what is the ideal image or the desired end state?
  • See - what is today's situation? What is the gap from ideal and why?
  • Think - what specific actions must be taken to close the gap between today's situation and the ideal state?
  • Plan - what resources are required to execute the activities?
An alternative to the Draw-See-Think approach is called See-Think-Draw
  • See - what is today's situation?
  • Think - define goals/objectives
  • Draw - map a route to achieving the goals/objectives

  1.  Environment
  2.  company's internal state
  3.  Forecasting 

  •  Determine the limits of business / business. Selecting the focus area of ​​business that will be developed based on all layers of management.
  •  Provide direction of the company. Determine the boundaries of business and the direction of the company are two sides of same coin which underlies or produced. Secondly it is the basis of priority setting corporate policy and action in the face ofenvironmental change.
  •  Directing and shaping corporate culture. Strategic plan to support the direction and the formation of corporate culturethrough a process of interaction, bargaining, or reciprocalcommunication.
  •  Maintain a consistent policy and appropriate.
  •  Maintain flexibility and stability operations.
  •  Facilitate the preparation of the annual activity plan and budget.


Operational planning is a subset of strategic work plan. It describes short-term ways of achieving milestones and explains how, or what portion of, a strategic plan will be put into operation during a given operational period, in the case of commercial application, a fiscal year or another given budgetary term. An operational plan is the basis for, and justification of an annual operating budget request. Therefore, a five-year strategic plan would need five(5) operational plans funded by five operating budgets.
Operational plans should establish the activities and budgets for each part of the organisation for the next 1 – 3 years. They link the strategic plan with the activities the organization will deliver and the resources required to deliver them.
An operational plan draws directly from agency and program strategic plans to describe agency and program missions and goals, program objectives, and program activities. Like a strategic plan, an operational plan addresses four questions:
  • Where are we now?
  • Where do we want to be?
  • How do we get there?
  • How do we measure our progress?
The OP is both the first and the last step in preparing an operating budget request. As the first step, the OP provides a plan for resource allocation; as the last step, the OP may be modified to reflect policy decisions or financial changes made during the budget development process.
Operational plans should be prepared by the people who will be involved in implementation. There is often a need for significant cross-departmental dialogue as plans created by one part of the organisation inevitably have implications for other parts.
Operational plans should contain:
  • clear objectives
  • activities to be delivered
  • quality standards
  • desired outcomes
  • staffing and resource requirements
  • implementation timetables
  • a process for monitoring progress.

Operational Plan is the third part of your completed Strategic Plan. It defines how you will operate in practice to implement your action and monitoring plans – what your capacity needs are, how you will engage resources, how you will deal with risks, and how you will ensure sustainability of the project’s achievements.
An Operational Plan does not normally exist as one single standalone plan; rather the key components are integrated with the other parts of the overall Strategic Plan.
The key components of a complete Operational Plan include analyses or discussions of:

• Human and Other Capacity Requirements – The human capacity and skills required to implement your project, and your current and potential sources of these resources. Also, other capacity needs required to implement your project (such as internal systems, management structures, engaged partners and Network NOs and POs, and a supportive legal framework).
• Financial Requirements – The funding required to implement your project, your current and potential sources of these funds, and your most critical resource and funding gaps.
• Risk Assessment and Mitigation Strategy – What risks exist and how they can be addressed.
• Estimate of Project Lifespan, Sustainability, and Exit Strategy – How long your project will last, when and how you will exit your project (if feasible to do so), and how you will ensure sustainability of your project’s achievements.

Kamis, 10 November 2011


Front office Manager
Shangri-La Jakarta Hotel

We are from Rahmat Jaya Tour,
We would like to reserve for our guest in your hotel, our guest name is MRS Bella Indaini Haning, she want to 25 Deluxe room for her employee, she will stay in your Hotel start from 25 Des 2011 untill 4 Jan 2012,her company is PT ANUGRAH , if you need some information you can contact our office at 021 645 33 12 , and from guest list , we will be send you as soon as possible.


Travel Agent Manager


  1. Annisa Oktammi
  2. Arienda Ika
  3. Asri
  4. Aulia Pratami
  5. Desi Harti 
  6. Desti Karismarini
  7. Dewi Septiawati, 
  8. Fauzi Rizky
  9. Fitri Yasmi
  10. Herdianti
  11. Husnul Khotimah
  12. Ibrahim Hasan 
  13. Jovana
  14. Kurniawan
  15. Lenny Hermawati
  16. Maymona
  17. Maymunah
  18. Mega Silvia Juliana
  19. M. Heri Amaludin
  20. M. Yoga.P.I
  21. Natasha Silvia
  22. Rini Anindita
  23. Ryan Permata
  24. Sandy 
  25. Sifa Mardini


IGLOSERI istilah yang terkait dengan bagian reservasi
1. additional charge:
Penambahan biaya terhadap harga kamar yangdibebankan kepada tamu karena melebihi bataswaktu check-out. (lebih dari dua jam) atauadanya tambahan penghuni kamar
2. advance :
Sejumlah uang muka untuk pembayaran
3. Reservation deposit :
yang diterima oleh hotel dari tamu atau travel agent atas pemesanan kamar,besarnya uang muka biasanya minimal harga satu malam kamar ditambah denganpajak dan pelayanan
4. Advance:
deposit Sejumlah uang yang dibayarkan sebagai jaminan pemesanan reservasi kamar. Dapatdibaya sebagian dari harga kamar
5. Allotment :
Suatu alokasi permintaan dari biroperjalanan terhadap hotel untuk diberikanbeberapa kamar setiap hari dalam jangkawaktu tertentu, sehingga pihak biroperjalanan bisa menjual bebas dalam jumlahtertentu tanpa mengadakan permintaan ataumenghubungi pihak hotel terlebih dahulu
6. Amendments :
Orang yang pernah memesan kamar akantetapi terjadi suatu perubahankedatangannya, lama tinggal, perubahannama tamu yang akan tinggal/menginap
7. american plan (AP) :
Satuan harga kamar yang sudah termasuk makan,lebih lanjut dibeda-bedakan menjadi,
4 (empat) jenis termasuk :Full american plan (FAP), modifedamerican plan (MAP), continental plan,bermuda plan (BP)
8. an affiliatereservation networks ystem :
Sebuah jaringan pemesanan kamar untuk hotel yang memiliki mata rantai bisnis Seperti; Sheraton Hotel, Hilton Hotel, HyattHotel, The Ritz Carlton Hotel ,Inter Continental Hotel dan lain-lain
9. a non-affiliatereservation networks ystem :
Jaringan pemesanan kamar yang tidakt erikat pada mata rantai hotel
10. arrival :
Tanggal kedatangan tamu tiba (check-in)di hotel baik tamu reservasi maupun tamu walk-in
11. booking/reservation :
Reservasi kamar yang dilakukan oleh calontamu beberapa waktu sebelumkedatangannya, dengan cara, lewat telpon,faksimile, e-mail, ataupun datang langsung
12. cancellationnumber :
Nomer/kode pembatalan pemesanan yangdiberikan oleh pihak hotel kepada pihak pemesan
13. draft :
Catatan kasar sebelum surat dibuat
14. no show guest :
Tamu yang sudah melakukan pemasanankamar reservasi tapi tidak datang padawaktu yang telah ditentukan
15. Hotel representative:
pemesanan kamar yang berasal dari kantor perwakilan hotel seperti perwakilan yang berada di bandara udara.

A. Group Reservations:
Conducting a reservation request for a group shall be treated differently than accommodating a reservation of individual guests (i.e. Frequent Independent Traveler). The main reason is that individual reservation requests are treated by the reservation department, while group reservations are initiated by the Sales & Marketing division, and finalized through a careful coordination of the reservation from one hand and the marketing from the other.
Below is a detailed procedure of how group reservation, in a typical hotel, is conducted:
1.      A group representative, a member of the travel agency or the tour operator, not individuals, shall communicate group reservations' request to the hotel's marketing department
2.      Upon availability, the hotel's reservation department shall block the requested number of rooms for this very group
3.      The Hotel shall give a deadline for the group, in order to receive their final list. That deadline is called Cut-off Date
4.      After receiving the final list, the reservation department shall change the desired number of rooms' status from blocked to booked (or reserved) rooms, and release the remaining rooms (if any left) as vacant
5.      If the hotel did not receive the final list by the cut-off date, then the reservation department has all the right to cancel the group reservation and release all the initially booked rooms into vacant rooms. However, management shall use this right with precautions especially when it comes to groups reserving from travel agencies and tour operators of which the hotel is frequently operating. 

B. VIP Reservation

1.     Greeting, offer helping.
2.     Asking the guest request
3.     Checking the available of room
4.     Asking for the name, if we have known that he / she is VIP guest, not necessary to ask their details, because we have had the details already and also the request of the guests. It is done to make the process be faster. So they will satisfy more.
5.     Repeat the reservation, to make sure that there is not mistake.
6.     Closing the process by saying thank you, hoping for the coming. 

Buat "VIP Treatment Order Form" rangkap 3 (tiga)
    • Original : F & B Departemen (Food & Beverages Order) / Housekeeping (Flower Order)
    • Ist Copy : Cost Control
    • 2nd Copy : File Catatan : VIP TR Order Form. Dibuat apabila ada permohonan dari manajemen.

C. Pembatalan Pemesanan Kamar (Cancelation of Reservation)
Adalah terjadinya pembatalan terhadap pemesanan kamar yang telah dilakukan sebelum waktu kedatangannya di hotel, kemudian hotel akan memberikan kode/nomer pembatalan reservasi kepada tamu sebagai bukti bahwa telah terjadi pembatalan. Di beberapa hotel yang tingkat hunian kamarnya tinggi akan menetapkaan peraturan jika pembatalan kamar terjadi setelah jam 18.00 maka advance payment for reservation akan dipotong 50%. Jika terjadi pembatalan pemesanan kamar, maka petugas reservasi akan melakukan hal sebagai berikut:

a. Mengambil data pemesanan kamar yang telah dilakukan
b. Menanyakan alasan pembatalan kamar serta mengisi formulir pembatalan dengan lengkap
c. Mencoret slip pemesanan kamar
d. Hapus data pada tabel pemesanan kamar
e. Simpan kembali pada arsip
D. Individual Guest
  • Telephone diterima kemudian dijawab dengan cepat.
  • Pertama-tama disambut dengan ucapan greeting (selamat pagi, siang, sore atau tawarkan bantuan dengan ramah). Misalnya : Good Morning,reservation, may I help you ?.
  • Tanyakan jumlah dan tipe kamar, jumlah hari menginap, tanggal tiba dan tanggal berangkat.
  • Lihatlah dan cek keadaan kamar pada tabel atau laporan harian dan tamu diminta untuk menunggu sebentar.
  • Apabila permintaan telah dipenuhi, sampaikan informasi tipe kamar dan harga kamar tanpa menyebut nomor kamar.
  • Tanyakan nama yang memesan tersebut, kemudian nama tamu yang akan menginap, instansi serta alamat yang jelas, dan jenis pembayaran (Payment Types). Usahakan meminta deposit atau surat jaminan bila rekening tamu tersebut akan ditanggung atau dibayar oleh perusahaan. Hal ini dapat dilakukan sebelum tamu tiba dihotel, dan jangan lupa mencatat jikalau ada permintaan khusus.
  • Isilah formulir pemesanan kamar dengan lengkap.
  • Setelah data yang diterima telah lengkap seyogyanya kita mengulangi kembali data pesanan yang diinginkan untuk menghindari terjadinya kesalahan atau kekeliruan, kemudian diakhiri dengan standard Greeting :
  • "Thank you for your Reservation, and looking forward to see you as soon in our hotel". Bila tamu menginginkan konfirmasi dari hotel, hotel akan mengirimkan "Confirmation letter / Voecher", sekaligus ditanyakan :
  • Jam tiba / jam berangkat (Arrival / Departure).
  • Transportasi yang digunakan , apakah perlu jemputan.
  • Sampaikan ucapan terima kasih atas pesanan kamar yang dilakukan oleh yang bersangkutan

      Selasa, 01 November 2011


      1. What do you know about PLANNING ?

      planning is a concept, which is much in use and apply when a person wants to undergo an organization at a large company or in a small organization, without the planning of a company is not going forward, because without planning company will not know where this company will be taken these, and many in this world, a company or an organization stands in the absence of the concept, will not run smoothly, it may even be out of business example: "a manager, is planning to apply early when he worked at a company, so he did not know what will be doing next, and can only be ordered subordinates to do the job

       2. What are the advantages of planning?

      The company will have employees who work with full motivation. Because the career planning program employees will clearly know the step-step career to be achieved, know what goalnya, and know how to achieve it.
      reference materials:
      my self, business owner

      3. Mention the basics of planning! description in detail

      Introduction: It is an item that contains a description of the document, to whom this document was created, why people should read it, Who and when made, the steps are done, etc..

           * Table of Content: Table of contents of the documents that we make

           * Fact Sheet: Contains information data company: Company name, legal structure, location, size of business, investment value, ROI (return on investment), promoters, auditors, etc

           * Executive Summary: A brief description of each step of the plan and profile of company in narrative form: vision, mission, goals, etc

           * Business Concept: Contains the concepts that we will run the business: Unique Selling Proposition, the basic idea, value our differences with other businesses, which can be obtained oportunity, conformity with the vision and mission of the company etc.

           * Market Analysis: Description and analysis of market situation: Customers, competitors, distribution, and promotion

           * Operation: Describe the production processes: Input, Process, Output

           * Financials: Explaining the financial situation of companies consisting of: Income statement, Balance sheet, Cash flow, and the ratio

           * Organization: Explaining the company's organization: Ownership / commissioners, directors, staff, key staff. Also explained the position, level of education, experience, success stories, future potential and other data which if the reinforcing

           * Legal: explain the legal aspects / legal from business carried on

      4. List the contents of planning! (your answer with examples of cases

      a. Objectives of the company or organization
        "a company that wants to progress and develop they should make a goal for what the company is created, so in the future Performance Management is smooth, without any stop in the middle of the road"

      b. The ways to achieve goals
      "Companies should think of the way and alternatives for achieving the goals in the target by a company, such as the company wants to achieve great sales in the first year, the company could do the road such as promotions, or advertising via print or electronic media"

      c. Predictions about the problems that may arise during the course of the company
      "Companies should be able to think ahead whether that be in the face, not only the advantages, disadvantages and problems but has never disappeared from the business world, managers, or employees, must be read, if they sdang companies get into trouble, or are at the pinnacle of success" :

      d. The existence of other alternatives if there are obstacles
      "Companies As previously discussed, the company should be able to think ahead how the company will run, if a company when there is a problem, employees have the alternative, the company remains stable gar"

      e. There is a concept
      "Companies are very important concepts needed to run his company, without any concept of the company will not know with what's happening in the enterprise"

      f. There are strategies to achieve goals
      "Companies must have a strategy that has to run the company achieve goals, and alternative alternative, if there is obstruction or problems at the company in achieving its objectives"