Sabtu, 10 Desember 2011


1.  From the material that has been read it can be concluded that, one can rule or ordered by the level of office and held the rank,authority is very influential in the world of work because someonewith authority to delegate tasks to subordinates or colleagues. and power was very penitng once its value, because with the power toinfluence or change an employee or subordinate for the better or discipline,in it was definitely there will be obstacles, but if the authority or power in doing it right and good, there will be social jealousybetween one another.2. There are two opposing views regarding the source of authority, namely:
  • . Formal Theory (Classic view)
That authority is conferred or inherited. This view assumes that the authority comes from the community level is very high and thenlegally derived from level to level. (affect)
  • . Reception theory
That person's authority arises only when it is received by the groupor individual to whom the authority is run. (influenced)
of two points can be concluded that the authority is very influential in pendelegaisan, because on the one hand the authority is to have important value to influence the level of the community orsurrounding

3.because with the delegation allows managers to achievesomething more or better inputs, rather than doing seorangdiri,any Delegation is a necessary process for the organization to function more efficiently, to achieve corporate goals or objectiveson time, if possible before the time of the Ensure, for obtain service when there are errors that occur in the process, and a manager's delegation focused work or focus on priority tasks or important, or also can be spelled out the task of delegatinginti.serta allow subordinates to grow and berkembang.karna ofdelegating an employee can learning in the field how toaccomplish a task, how to overcome obstacles, and possibilities that will happen.

4. Identifying tasks to be delegated, because it will be very influential,if the task to be delegated can not be done because there arelimitations that would impede the course of completing the tasksthat have been didelegasikan.dan is expected to be understoodby those who have been delegated
determine who will be given deligasi, because if a persondelegating tasks or the like to the wrong person or people whodiberika delegates do not understand, it only spends energy andtime.
and most importantly, determine the points raised and what the purpose of such delegation.

1 komentar:

  1. good answer, but for point 3 and 4 not complete yet, please more explore and gave example.


    your score +2
